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You Can, Toucan! Author Coaching Services Digital Products Terms of Use
Hey there fellow author! By signing up for any of my digital products, free or paid, (hereinafter the “Product”), you, the purchaser (hereinafter “Purchaser”) enters an agreement with Because Books, Ltd. (dba You Can, Toucan!) ("Company") and agree to the following terms:
1. Product Deliverables
The Product is an online course. Company agrees to provide the content as promised on the Product checkout page.
Purchaser will retain access to the Product for the life of the Product, meaning for as long as Company offers and maintains the Product. Company will provide Purchaser with at least one month’s notice should Company need to retire the Product. It is then Purchaser’s responsibility to download all materials from the Product before the retirement date noted by Company.
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Company's Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated by reference into this agreement. Purchaser understands that Company will be providing educational content to Purchaser and that Company’s obligations under this Agreement exist only while Purchaser is a paying member of the Product and that Company’s obligations will cease once Purchaser or Company cancels Purchaser’s membership.
Purchaser also understands that Company is not providing one-on-one service on behalf of Purchaser.
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Company owns the rights to all content in the Product such as texts in the forms of guides, books, explanations and the like, as well as other graphics, logos, images, downloads, and other like materials. Purchaser’s participation in the Product does not transfer any intellectual property rights to Purchaser. Company grants Purchaser a single-use, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to any and all Product content. Purchaser agrees not to creative any derivative works of the content found in the Product.
Last Updated: March 18, 2024
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30 Days of Writing Prompts$9

Imagine this... you set a timer to start your Toucan20 session. You sit down to write, fingers hovering over your keyboard (or pen poised over your notebook, or chisel positioned over your stone tablet). The seconds tick away. Then the minutes. Your mind is blank.

No longer will you fear the blinking cursor! With 30 Days of Prompts, you get:

30 single-word prompts

60 character starter prompts

30 dialogue prompts

30 full story idea prompts

30 mindful journaling prompts

30 author blog post prompts

PLUS: a random number generator so you can spend more time writing and less time figuring out which prompt to use!

  • Total payment
  • 1x30 Days of Writing Prompts$9

All prices in USD
