Novel-Worthy Idea Workbook
Is lack of confidence in your story idea keeping you from getting started writing the book burning in your soul?

This workbook is going to help you finally gain clarity in your story idea, so you can confidently start writing!

Here's what you get:

In addition to the PDF workbook, you will get:


Clarity on the potential of your story idea to become a compelling novel


A deep and meaningful foundation for your novel


Excitement and confidence to start writing your first draft right away

Hey, I'm Claire!

An enthusiastic and imaginative book coach who uses way too many exclamation points, talks too much about my beloved pittie mix, Kira, and is fueled by inspiring and motivating fellow writers! I help self-published and aspiring self-published novelists develop their story sparks into novel-worthy ideas so they have the inspiration and motivation they need to reach The End and beyond!

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Upgrade to get audio lessons and a fillable workbook!

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You'll get audio lessons with transcripts and a fillable Google Doc version of the workbook, plus a $10 off coupon for feedback on your work (so, essentially, you'll get your $10 back).

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Get the mini-course and workbook today and start writing the novel burning in your soul!

Once you opt in, you'll get access to the Novel-Worthy Idea mini-course where you will download your workbook

Complete the work in the workbook and gain clarity and confidence to start writing your novel!

  • Total payment
  • 1xNovel-Worthy Idea Workbook$0

All prices in USD
